$50 이상 구매 시 전세계 무료 배송
질문 & 답변
Hello. I always used Revolution ampoule for large dogs. I have many cats. These ampoules are suitable for cats. Stronghold ampoules are suitable for cats, will I not kill my cats? And why do you have 6 ampoules on sale, and there are 12 ampoules on the box? How many ampoules are in this box?
Stronghold is exactly the same product as Revolution. The manufacturer sells it in a different name in Europe. This product has 12 tubes inside.
If this is product is basically the same as Revolution why don’t you need a vet’s prescription? I’ve always had to for Revolution.
이것은 혁명과 정확히 같은 제품입니다. 제조업체는이 제품을 유럽에서 "강도"로 판매합니다. 현재 판매하고있는 모든 제품은 배송 된 국가의 "비처방"제품이며 처방전이 필요하지 않습니다.
I just had a chat with an employee, and was told that Stronghold does take care of ticks. So I'm confused with some of the questions/answers here.
그것은 오직 American Dog Tick 침입을 통제합니다. 따라서 완전한 보호가 아닙니다.
On the 7th of this month, it'll be the 30 day marker to reapply this medication for my dogs. My dog has a huge blood tick stuck on her chest. Why is it not dead? We applied it properly. Does this not kill ticks also?
Stronghold and Recolution은 틱을 죽이지 않습니다. 진드기를 위해 다른 제품이 필요합니다. 진드기 prvintion 범주에서 찾을 수 있습니다.
Stronghold doesn't cover ticks, so if you have tick problem on your area, you should use tick treatment with Stronghold. However, Advantix only covers tick and fleas. It doesn't cover intestinal parasites and heartworm. According your answer: i also use drontal so drontal + advantix seems best options for my dog.
좋은 콤보이지만 Drontal은 심장 사상충을 다루지 않습니다. 문제가된다면 Advantix + Heartgard도 시도해보십시오.